

T. Carlson interviews V. Orban

viktor orban

Tucker Carlson is one of my favorite journalist while Viktor Orban is one of the few prime minister worthy of respect at the moment. Mainstream TV and newspapers don’t like him and have repeatedly defined him as a dictator. Well,…

Joe Biden & C

white house

There’s really really A LOT going on in the US about Joe Biden and his son Hunter. I’m going to report on here some news and facts because I think the President of the Unites States of America is, politically,…

15-minutes city

anderson christine

German MEP, Christine Anderson: “The Digital Green Certificate, the COVID pass, that was a test balloon to get people to [have] to produce some kind of a QR code, just getting people used to that. Now, what they’re slamming us…

European citizens initiative against the WHO


Christine Anderson is a german member of the European Parliament since 2019. She has a message for the unelected globalist tyrants at the World Health Organisation: “This will end if we simply say no. And that’s what we’re here to…

The climate myths debunked


Climate change has become a powerful political weapon, even though the “experts” have gotten their doomsday predictions wrong EVERY time. Glenn Beck reveals the real reason the elites need you terrified of global warming. MUST WATCH

Men can menstruate!


Yes! According to Google Search men can have a period. I cannot believe it. Try to enter these three words in google search and see what you get:     Do you realize the world we’re living in? Is this…

They have to be stopped!


The world has gone insane. This people are dangerous and needs to be stopped. Children are not a liability: find out more here, here and here. In the name of saving the planet and the climate change, they’re going to…



L’esperta climatologa delle Nazioni Unite Greta Thunberg nel giugno 2018 scrisse un messaggio su Twitter avvisandoci che l’umanita’ sarebbe stata cancellata entro cinque anni se non avessimo smesso di utilizzare i combustibili fossili. La previsione era di uno scienziato dell’Universita’…

Il riscaldamento del pianeta Terra


Cosa pensereste se leggeste sui giornali le seguenti dichiarazioni: BBC News, 2/4/19 “Il Canada si sta riscaldando ad una velocita doppia rispetto al resto del pianeta” Meteored, 21/8/21 “L’America Latina ed i Caraibi si riscaldano piu’ velocemente della media totale”…

EVs: Volvo and Toyota studies

electric charge

Volvo Car research says greenhouse gas emissions during production of its latest electric vehicle are nearly 70% higher than a petrol model. It can take up to 9 years of driving to offset its higher production emissions. Volvo’s report shows the higher CO2 impact…