

Colonialism has never stopped

India’s President Modi slams Western elites for “Climate Colonialism”. The West achieved its standard of living with fossil fuels and now wants to prevent developing nations from doing the same. I’m quite disgusted by this colonialist mentality. Indian Prime Minister…

The Dollar egemony

This is an excerpt from an Al Mayadeen article that was published beginning of Dec, 2021. It shows that two other countries have decided to trade in their own currencies instead of the dollar, which has been a trend we’ve…


NOTE: this post was written before the current inflation rate we’re experiencing now (april 2023). Today’s high inflation rate is not due to economic growth or increase in money supply. The reasons behind it are the economy freeze generated by…

Bitcoin is anti-establishment

A critical component of contemporary society is its confidence in stable governance and monetary systems. Governments and central banks have historically served as the financial system’s defenders. Suppose the government and banks can’t be relied upon. As much as Bitcoin…

Corruption and tax evasion

I’m really tired of hearing nonsense about it every day over and over. Let’s be clear, corruption and tax evasion are definitely to be condemned from a moral point of view, but as for the economic aspect, people need to…

The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve System, often referred to as the Federal Reserve or simply “the Fed,” is the central bank of the United States. It was created by the Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more…

European Union

The EU has chosen a very specific path, consistent with the ban on state deficits, it has also banned inflation. Does price stability come before the right to life itself? Due to the economic crisis triggered by the Covid pandemic,…

Neoliberal madness (Italy and EU)

oday the European Union, far from being that dream of peace and brotherhood that we were told about, is a set of legal rules that prohibit the State from doing what our founding fathers wished, considering of the tragedies they…

Does BlackRock own the world?

What if I told you that there’s a company so powerful on the planet today, that it affects almost every single aspect of our lives? A company that is so rich that they hold more assets than the GDP of…

Climate misinformation

Misleading information on global warming can usually be traced directly to special interests. It’s still not clear to me the reasons behind it, but I’ll find it out soon! In the meanwhile, please have a look at this you tube…