Central Bank Digital Currency

Central Bank Digital Currency


  • CBDC can be assigned a location in which you may spend, thus limiting your ability to travel (15 minute cities).
  • CBDC can be assigned a carbon score to limit your ability to purchase items like gas and meat (sustainability). It’s not your money.
  • CBDC may be programmed to limit purchases of only approved items (equity). It’s not your money.




What is a Central Bank Digital Currency?


It is a programmable form of money as part of a move to a cashless economy and society.

It is a programmable currency issued by a central bank.

  • Allows politicians/bankers to track/control all of your spending
  • Assigne a carbon score to limit your purchases of gas/meat
  • Assigne a location to limit your travel
  • Cannot save cash for emergencies
  • May be frozen/confiscated without due process
  • Every transaction is recorded forever, there is no anonymity.

To meet 2030 Sustainability Goals, UN/WEF plans to use CBDC to track and control your carbon footprint.

It is social control via a cashless economy.





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