
Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Major American news outlets have been lying about the war in Ukraine for years, but Colonel Douglas Macgregor isn’t following their lead.

He recently joined Tucker Carlson to speak out about what’s really happening in Eastern Europe, and what it means for the rest of the world. Colonel Macgregor knows more about 21st century military affairs than perhaps any other American, and his message is worth hearing.

The interview was released on Twitter/X on Aug 22, 2023 and I really advise you to listen to it if you want to understand what is happening in Ukraine.

Colonel Macgregor tells Tucker:

“Billions of dollars continue to flow into this black hole called Ukraine, which I think is an exercise in fraud, deceit, and criminality, to be blunt.”

“I think all of the lies that have been told for more than a year and a half about the Ukrainians are winning—Ukrainian causes just, the Russians are evil, the Russians are incompetent—all of that is collapsing.”

“Ukrainians now we think have lost 400,000 men killed in battle. We were talking about 300-350,000 a few months ago. Within the last month of this supposed counteroffensive which was to sweep the battlefield, they lost at least 40,000 killed.”


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