electric charge

EVs: Volvo and Toyota studies

Volvo Car research says greenhouse gas emissions during production of its latest electric vehicle are nearly 70% higher than a petrol model.

It can take up to 9 years of driving to offset its higher production emissions.

Volvo’s report shows the higher CO2 impact of manufacturing its C40 Recharge electric car compared to a petrol XC40 model.


Volvo is saying that the carbon footprint for the entire lifecycle of an electric vehicle can be bigger than the one of a petrol car.

Find out more here

Likewise, in a recente Toyota research it comes out that EV are not as green as they want us to think:

the study shows that electric vehicles are unnecessary to lower CO2 emissions: according to this study, it is more environmental friendly to drive the car in “eco-mode” (gasoline) than producing and using electric vehicles.

Toyota President Akio Toyoda said that in a country such as Japan that gets most of its electricity from burning coal and natural gas, EVs don’t help the environment.

“The more EVs we build, the worse carbon dioxide gets”.

This is why Toyota only offers one fully electric vehicle for sale in the US.

Find out more about this study here

Toyota’s chief says electric vehicles are overhyped:

Akio Toyoda says converting entirely to EVs could cost hundreds of billions of dollars and make cars unaffordable for average people.



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