viktor orban

T. Carlson interviews V. Orban

Tucker Carlson is one of my favorite journalist while Viktor Orban is one of the few prime minister worthy of respect at the moment.

Mainstream TV and newspapers don’t like him and have repeatedly defined him as a dictator.

Well, that’s enough for me to believe he’s a good man!

I firmly believe that what you hear on TV is the opposite of the truth.

I honestly don’t know his past in depth, but listening to this interview he seemed like a wise and responsible person, who loves his country and puts national interests first.

The main reason why the European Commission does not like Viktor Orban is that he is not willing to cede national sovereignty. He has all my admiration for this choice. This way the EU cannot enslave Hungary. As simple as that. Orban isn’t a globalist for sure, and wants his citizens to be free and wealthy. He’s enemy to the world because of this.

The war in Ukraine is changing the world, and yet Americans are receiving shockingly little information about how it’s actually going. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been dealing with both countries, Russia and Ukraine, for his entire life, and he knows a lot about the state of their war. This is an eye-opening interview.

“To understand Russia is a difficult thing, especially if you have an ocean between you and Russia. When we speak about politics, as westerners, what is the focus point of our conversation? The focus point is freedom, how to provide more and more freedom to the people. When you speak on politics in Russia, this is not the number one issue. The number one issue is how to keep together the country… and that creates a kind of military approach, like they have.”

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