King Charles’s address

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II humanity, and in particular western civilization, has lost an absolute giant. She was a remarkable person from a remarkable era. She will be missed.


Her successor, on the other hand, can best be understood as a World Economic Forum supporter.

Prince Charles’ connections to the WEF and his obsession with Net Zero was a genuine concern.

Saying that, shouldn’t we be willing to give King Charles III the benefit of the doubt?

Charles is both a climate catastrophist and an advocate for the depopulation agenda. Last year, he demanded a “war-like footing,” in calling for the sabotage of reliable energy resources to tackle the so-called climate crisis. Charles’s initiatives, and his promotion of the destructive Paris Climate Accords and the UN’s Climate Change Conference objectives, has helped position the U.K. on the precipice of energy disaster.

Prince Charles opens Paris climate talks and calls on world leaders to act now

The new King is also a proponent of depopulation, having on multiple occasions called for population control of broader civilization.

At the onset of Covid mania, Charles sat down with World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab, in which the pair excitedly championed a “Great Reset” to “solve the climate crisis and restore the natural world.” In a podcast with Schwab, Charles advocated “carbon pricing” of goods and a “net zero” agenda, which, of course, would result in mass human suffering.

Does Charles really care about the environment? I’m not sure. WEF’s principles stand in direct opposition to traditional Western democratic values. To avoid this, he needs simply denounce the WEF and its anti-human policies.

I think that probably it serves as window dressing for his true aims. His advocacy for the “green” agenda, through Davos talking points, is part of a campaign to usurp more power for the “elite” circles that he travels within.

He represents a series of radical movements that seek to impose ruin upon the masses, to the benefit of the ruling class.

God bless. Trust but verified.

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