
They have to be stopped!

The world has gone insane.

This people are dangerous and needs to be stopped.


Children are not a liability: find out more here, here and here.

In the name of saving the planet and the climate change, they’re going to ruin our life.

Net-zero is utter madness, it will destroy the economy and make us poorer, while billionairs will become even more richer and will be flying on their private jet as usual.



The biggest joke is that net-zero will not contribute in any way to decrease the temperature of the Earth.

Its impact on the planet’s temperature will be practically zero.



According to the Greenpeace co-founder dr. Patrick Moore, “if we banned fossil fuels, agricultural production would collapse in a very short period of time… people will begin to starve… and half the population will die in a very short period of time.”

patrick moore
Patrick Moore

And he goes on “there is no definitive scientific proof… that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the last 300 years. But there is certainty beyond a reasonable doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth, and that without its presence in the global atmosphere… this would be a dead planet.”

Kamala Harris instead seems to have a different opinion:

“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water”, this what the vice presidente of the USA Kamala Harris said recently (video).

More about it here.


harris kamala
Kamala Harris


Did she say reduce population?


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