
This man has been leading the world in recent years

Being the president of the USA, he’s probably the most influential person in the world...
the white house

Welcome to the White House


Best friends

Being the president of USA, he’s probably the most influential person in the world. He paid billions of dollars to Zelensky. I don’t remember how much exactly and don’t feel like to research, but we’re talking about 300 billions usd. It has been calculated, in proportion, that this is a figure not far from the aid for the reconstruction of Europe (Marshall Plan) after the Second World War. A huge amount of money. Rather than fuel the war, if he had spent this money in his own country, he could have helped the millions of poor and homeless people that America is full of.
Or maybe help the people from Maui (Hawaii)?

Or he simply could have created millions of jobs through public investment.
Talking about public investments has now become a sacrilege, more serious than blasphemy.
Yet public investments financed through deficits are the simplest and most effective means of creating net wealth for a nation. Oh well, actually it’s the only way, togheter with exports. On the contrary, the belief that states must adopt balanced budget policies is now widespread and well accepted. It is mistakenly believed that a state should not spend more than it collects through taxation. Paradoxically, the USA has created significant deficits in the last two years but, as noted before, the resources were mainly used to give large sums of money to Ukraine. Let me say it, this man is a disgrace for the entire world.

This is what Biden is pushing for

Democrats in one pictture

Many believe that, in fact, Biden was put there rather to carry out someone else’s ‘suggestions’, evidently not being able, for both physical and mental reasons, to fully and independently carry out his role as president of the United States of America. The number of times he tripped and fell to the ground or fell asleep while waiting for official ceremonies is high.

How could America fall so low? Aren't you Democrats feeling ashemed?


He is also famous for the number of lies and inaccuracies told about past events, denied by official documents, and for making less than intelligent statements.
The discovery of a bag of cocaine in the White House and the events related to his son Hunter are no exception. There are those who believe that Biden is the worst and most corrupt US president in history. There are ongoing investigations into alleged sums of money received over the years following corruption attempts, which also concern members of his family.

Which of the two sides do you belong to?

"We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean"

Guess who said it?

Play Video about bden

I believe that, and I limit myself to the political fact, Biden is certainly harmful to the entire world. I simply believe that due to his age, his lack of physical fitness and mental clarity this person is not at all suitable to lead what should be the most important and influential country in the world. He brought America to levels so low that we hadn’t seen since the 1930s. And this is not accidental. On the contrary, the economic and social worsening is desired. From who? It’s up to you to inform yourself and try to understand the reality that surrounds you. If you’ve read more pages of this website, you should already know more.

The most powerful man in the world. May God help us.


No worries folks, I’ve already fallen three times today, this helmet is great.


Biden finally visits ‘On the Border’ to see crisis everyone’s talking about

And what about his immigration policies?

He didn't say it but he's doing it!

Biden’s strategy is very simple: 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible; 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority, a one-party state.” (Elon Musk)
Permanent majority: the scenes of mass invasion we’re repeatedly seeing at the border and election interference operations against Donald Trump are not isolated events. The regime is rapidly importing a massive permanent underclass, who is unmoored from fidelity to the country, its traditions, and the Constitution. This underclass will be ideologically and financially beholden to the regime — who would, after legalizing them and destroying all meaningful political opposition, govern with entrenched single-party rule. This people will be their new US soldiers and their new permanent majority. In order for the plan to establish permanent power to succeed, Donald Trump and any meaningful political opposition must be destroyed.

“This explains why there are so few deportations, as every deportation is a lost vote. As happened this week, you can literally assault police officers in broad daylight in New York, be released with no bail, give everyone the finger and still not be deported.” (Elon Musk)
“A few other things you probably don’t know: illegals in America can get bank loans, mortgages, insurance, driver’s licenses, free healthcare (California & New York) and in-state college tuition.” (Elon Musk)

Stephen Miller, senior advisor to president Trump, declared in a twitt:
the first bill Biden sent to Congress was a bill to make illegal aliens into voting citizens. He terminated every Trump deportation policy, ordered ICE to halt removals & commanded CBP to start mass releasing illegal aliens into America. Biden organized & ordered the invasion.


Banks will be policed if they deny loans (Amy Nixon, Fox Business)

must watch ahahah


If you’re still confused about the Joe and Hunter Biden crime scheme, let me break it down for you in the simplest way possible:

Benny Johnson

on Twitter (X):

  • Joe Biden was in charge of Ukrainian relations during his term as Vice President.
  • During Joe’s term, a Ukrainian prosecutor named Viktor Shokin was investigating corruption at an oil & gas company Burisma.
  • Burisma hired Joe’s son Hunter to their board and paid him $83k a month for access to his father, the Vice President.
  • Burisma begged Joe to help them stop Shokin’s investigation.
  • Joe bribed Burisma to pay $10 mil for his help.
  • Joe Biden then threatened to withhold a $1 billion loan from the US to Ukraine if the Ukrainian President Poroshenko didn’t fire the prosecutor.
  • The prosecutor was fired.
  • Ukraine got $1 billion from the US.
  • The Biden’s got $10 million from Burisma.
  • Hopefully that helps.

Original twitt here

This old man will be probably remembered as the worst President in American history.
 A man who left the border of his country open for his entire term, who facilitated the destruction of the middle class, who tried to jail his political rival, and who couldn’t walk up stairs.

Twitt here


A few months ago a sachet containing cocaine was found in the White House, it was never known who it belonged to, despite the fact that the White House is one of the most monitored places in the world, both for access and from inside.

Tucker Carlson roasted the Biden administration about the White House’s cocaine mystery after someone in the audience brought it to his attention at the Turning Point Action Conference on July 15, 2023:

Audience: “There’s coke in the White House!”
Tucker Carlson proceeds to give one of the funniest two-minute monologues ever!
I love it, so funny and comical! I can watch and rewatch it!

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